Hunnyboots Greyhound of the Week

Chewie the 'Wookie' Greyhound

Named after the loveable character “Chewbacca” from the film franchise, three year old Chewie has literally chewed his way into their hearts. Retired after his duties in the racing industry, Chewie was left with sensitive feet but has taken to wearing Hunnyboots for walks like the champion he is. He has had many challenges that new city dwellers face; moving house, strange new noises, cars, trams and he’s taken them all in his confident stride.

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They call me ‘Mister’ Zeke!
Nicknamed “Mr Zeke”, Zeke lives a charmed life with Michelle and Peter and little sister Maggie living by the sea at the picturesque Lakes Entrance in Victoria. Zeke is a bit of a ‘toy boy’ and loves to assemble his toys together into his bed - the love is real as he even enjoys taking them on his daily walks. He’s looking forward to restrictions easing in Victoria so the whole family can go caravanning again to some very special places like Hervey Bay.
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